Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Attorneys

Guidance For Family Members Who have Lost A Loved One In An Accident

The death of a family member is a devastating experience. Though nothing can bring your loved one back, it may be possible to file a wrongful death lawsuit in order to hold the negligent party responsible and recover compensation for the loss. While not the same as the emotional loss you experience, compensable financial losses can include medical expenses incurred before death, funeral and memorial service costs, the loss of care and companionship, and any other loss of monetary support that individual would have contributed (such as health insurance benefits through their employment, job income and future retirement benefits).

Wrongful deaths can occur as the result of work-related injuries, car accidents, medical malpractice, pharmacy prescription errors or by the use of defective products or drugs. Economic damages are often the key to a wrongful death suit, but our creative attorneys can present a wide range of damage claims based upon the facts of each case.

Take The First Step Forward

We are here to handle the legal aspect of your wrongful death case so you can focus on grieving, healing and moving forward with your life.

Sekas Law Group, LLC, is proud to serve New Jersey and New York, providing professional legal services to personal injury victims and their loved ones. Contact our law office online or call us at (201) 248-0994 or (212) 695-7577 to discuss your case during a consultation if you have been injured in an accident. Discover for yourself why we are a leading personal injury law firm in New Jersey and New York.

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Let’s Work Together

The road to justice starts with a simple conversation: call to get started today! We will be pleased to help you handle your personal injury case with both expertise and care. It would be our pleasure to discuss this matter further and how our dedicated team could best support you.