Commercial Litigation Attorney

Commercial Litigation Attorney NJ – Business Litigation Lawyer

Often, the legal rights of businesses may get violated by other stakeholders such as vendors, consumers, business partners, or employees. You may also find yourself in a difficult situation because of circumstances beyond your control caused by others and be innocent of any commercial error or issue on your part. This may also impact the day-to-day operations of a business and cause financial loss.

If the legal rights of your business have been wrongfully breached by someone, contact and you are wondering “how can I find an experienced NJ business litigation or commercial litigator near me?” I urge you to contact our New York and New Jersey business litigation attorney today.

To retain the results-oriented services of an NJ business litigation lawyer, contact the Sekas Group today. We help our clients with:

  • Partnership disputes
  • Shareholder or member disputes
  • Employer-employee disputes
  • Breach of contract disputes
  • Consumer disputes including Consumer Fraud Act Litigation
  • Construction litigation
  • Construction fraud or contractor dispute
  • Business tort litigation
  • Franchise litigation
  • Collection litigation
  • Disputes with vendors and suppliers
  • Business-related thefts (trade secrets, inventory, funds)
  • Commercial real estate and leasing disputes

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NJ Breach of Contract Attorney

If you are looking for an NJ breach of contract lawyer, or expert in any of the above topics contact our experienced NJ contract dispute lawyers and commercial litigation specialists today. We provide valuable legal representation in disputes related to non-solicitation, non-compete, and non-disclosure agreements. We also handle restrictive covenant litigation.

Our NJ business litigation law firm advises clients on all other types of breach of contract issues as well including delayed supplies, non-fulfillment of pre-conditions, missed deadlines, and fraud and misrepresentation in business agreements.

Contact an NJ business dispute lawyer at the Sekas Law Group today to learn how a business litigator can help you protect your rights.

Business Litigation Attorney
Business Contract Lawyer

NJ Employment Attorney

If your legal rights under a contract have been violated, you might be wondering, “Where can I find an NJ and NY breach of contract attorney or employee discrimination lawyer near me?” There are many statutes in the Federal Court system, including but not limited to Title 7 of the United States Code, regarding racial discrimination, religious discrimination, sexual or gender discrimination, age discrimination.

In New Jersey there are many Laws against Discrimination or “New Jersey LAD” for harassment, sexual abuse, a hostile work environment, racial discrimination, religious discrimination or age discrimination. If you are a victim of employee discrimination or believe your rights are violated, or have been wrongfully terminated for any of the above categories, contact us at the Sekas Law Group to learn how a business litigator or employment attorney may help you and protect your rights. The NJ Law against Discrimination provides for the recovery of legal fees and court costs.

New York and New Jersey Commercial Litigation Attorney

A business may face several disputes throughout its lifecycle. Whether you are a sole proprietor, LLC, corporation, partnership, or S corporation, contact the Sekas Law Group today to consult a business-minded commercial litigation attorney.

If your business contract has been breached and you are confused about “how can I find reliable breach of contract lawyers near me?” Contact us today here or call us at (201) 248-0994 or (212) 695-7577.


Let’s Work Together

The road to justice starts with a simple conversation: call to get started today! We will be pleased to help you handle your personal injury case with both expertise and care. It would be our pleasure to discuss this matter further and how our dedicated team could best support you.